In 2023, Biodiversity Preservation is sustaining the development of our innovative ecoliteracy program targeting more institutions in the Grand Port region. To engage youth on climate actions, a 2-fold ecoliteracy toolkit has been developed based on youth active participation, motivation and commitment :
➤ A Creativity Program by delivering workshops and resources:
- Creation of new slams, poems and writings on human impacts on nature with artistic renderings for production of an online slam booklet
- Creation of eco recipes to raise awareness on how food impacts our health, environment and planet by promoting low carbon footprint, local, seasonal, affordable, healthy and ecological ingredients for production of an online eco recipes booklet
- Uploading of eco cycling resources on our e-library to accompany youth to create handicraft from unused materials for a new life before they go to waste
➤ A Research Program for the development of an online carbon footprint calculator for individuals by delivering research-based workshops for youth to understand how our lifestyle impacts climate change such as:
- 2°C target explained
- What is a carbon footprint
- Which lifestyle choices have the biggest impacts
- Parameters to calculate our carbon footprint
- Benchmark of existing calculators
- Diffusion of climate topics on how changing our daily habits could reduce our own CO² emissions based on collective responsibility on our own carbon footprint
- Uploading of research resources on climate change, environment and biodiversity to grow our e-library
An eco-innovation initiative funded by